!±8±DELTA 22-795X 15-inch Planer Head Only
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DELTA Rate :

Price :
$1,223.13 Post Date : Jan 04, 2012 00:15:23
Usually ships in 24 hours
The DELTA 22-795X X-Series 15-inch planer features a powerful cutting action and easy to use design. The 3 HP, single-phase motor generates 5,000 RPM for quick cuts. The 22-795X's three-knife cutterhead makes easy work of rough stock as wide as 15 inches and as thick as 6-1/2 inches. The spiral serrated steel infeed roller keeps things moving fast at speeds of 16 FPM and 30 FPM. The four and five-inch dust chute keeps things clean and free of dust and chips, and the rugged chain-and-sprocket drive system for increased durability, both add to the versatility of the innovative 22-795X Planer.
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